Wednesday, October 22, 2014

... Loving life...‏

22 September 2014

Well for me, life is great. I know I should have more to say but I don't feel like there is much. I will tell you some stories...
One -- Last night we had homemade fajitas... so good! They were spicy and everything! There is a recent convert who learned to cook in Italy and Peru, and he cooks GOOD! And then the member who also learned to cook like an American . . . They together made them. We were in HEAVEN!
Two -- I don't know if I told you this but Miriam and Freddi a convert from Mariano (who are trying to go to the temple as a family before we (me and Hna Vilcahuaman) go home!) had a baby.,.. Her name is Luz (which is what they call me...) Eliana (which is the 1st name of Hna Vilca...). I love them! I pray we can go with them to make the covenants as a family in the temple!
3 -- Last Sunday, we were at a member's house eating lunch and her husband is not a member and doesn't agree with her attempt to keep the commandments especially the day of rest. So, her kids asked if they could go to their cousins house to swim and she said NO because it was Sunday and her husband said yes... With all the kids and her husband against her she fought until the end to make sure her kids couldn't go to swim on Sunday so that they could keep the Sabbath day holy. I saw her alone fighting her fight and wanted to say like Elder Holland said, "Don’t give up, boy. Don’t you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead—a lot of it—30 years of it now, and still counting. You keep your chin up. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come."
Remember to pick the good fights to fight and then fight them! That is one of the things I learned from this Hna. She is ready to give up everything for what she knows is right and true. As we should be too.
I love you all SO much! I hope this week is great for all of you and that the Lord blesses you so much!
Miss and LOVE you all!

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